segunda-feira, dezembro 25, 2006

 "Onde estiver o teu tesouro, ali estará também o teu coração."

Mateus 6:21

sexta-feira, dezembro 15, 2006

" (...) Oh! se tão somente prestasses realmente atenção aos meus mandamentos! A tua paz se tornaria então como um rio e a tua justiça como as ondas do mar (...)"

Isaías 48:18


terça-feira, dezembro 12, 2006

" Grita, para ver se alguém te responde?"

Jó 5:1


domingo, dezembro 10, 2006

Do You Really Believe That Love Will Keep You From Getting Hurt?

sábado, dezembro 09, 2006

O primeiro contacto é sempre o mais doce...

quinta-feira, dezembro 07, 2006

Drawn into a world of choices
Bitter hearts and angry voices
I'm tired of promisses constantly broken
Words are there just to be spoken
I can't comply

So I can't sit here through this mess
Acting just like all the rest
With a smile


You and I we'll meet as soon this war is over
You and I we'll seize the dream
You won't be sorry

But now I have to go away
I'll save the world today

Gentle grins and perfect plans
That turn out to reveal the monsters around
The werewolves holding silver bullets
Staring at me in my nightmares
It has to stop

It's my turn to stop them
Maybe I won't win but I'll surely try
I'll try

But now I have to go away
I'm going to save the day

No surprises, farewell parties
Tears that fill your green-eyed worries
I hate goodbyes